At Enterprise we love the open road and the freedom that a car gives you when you’re travelling abroad. However, we recognise that driving in a different country can be daunting particularly if you’re not familiar with the rules of the road or if you’ve never driven there before. To help you prepare for your road trip and get the most from your rental experience, we have produced these downloadable hints and tips to give you some pointers.

Driving in Europe



If you're planning to drive in Spain, here are helpful tips ahead of your journey.




If you're planning to drive in France, here are helpful tips ahead of your journey.




If you're planning to drive in Germany, here are helpful tips ahead of your journey.




If you're planning to drive in Ireland, here are helpful tips ahead of your journey.


Car Hire Tips

Collecting your vehicle

Learn about the car rental collecting process, what you will be asked to do, what you'll sign and pick up some tips for making sure that your start your trip with confidence.

The Excess vs The Deposit

Clear up any confusion around whether you need to put down an excess deposit?

Did You Know?

  • 112 is the Pan-European emergency services number
  • It is required by law to carry an unused breathalyzer when driving in France
  • In Germany you could be fined up to €4,000 for swearing at people or making a rude hand gesture while driving
  • In Spain you drive on the right, even in the British territory of Gibraltar
  • Using a mobile phone while driving in Ireland is against the law and you could be fined up to €2,000